From expert advice on investments and budgeting to discussions about economic trends and retirement planning, these articles aim to equip readers with the knowledge they need to manage their personal finances, make informed monetary decisions, and otherwise navigate the complexities of the financial world. Whether readying savings for the future or maneuvering day-to-day costs, the insightful advice equips readers to take control of their fiscal picture and achieve economic stability.
We count on health insurance to help pay for our prescription drugs. But the new “step therapy” program can create obstacles. How to fight back…
If you’ve been hit with a huge medical bill, don’t give up. Here’s how four groups of people fought health insurance denials and won.
You can reap tremendous rewards from these top credit cards by using each to spend in its most rewarding categories.
Defaulting to the easiest or most obvious choice for your executor or trustee can have bad consequences—for your estate and your family.
Robo advisors were supposed to make it easier to invest for the long-term, but several have already closed. Here’s how to deal with the dangers.
Here’s how long you need to keep different kinds of financial records ranging from tax documents to investment records, insurance policies and others.
Because of a higher standard deduction in the new federal tax law, it is easier for many Americans to pay no long-term capital gains tax at all.
There’s a legal technique for giving away, and then receiving back, appreciated assets that wipes out your capital gain exposure. But know the danger, too.
Whether you want extra spending money or to bulk up your nest egg, there are plenty of ways for retirees to make $10,000, $25,000, or $50,000+.
Medicare for All, the idea that the government pays for health care, is gaining steam. But how much would it really cost? Or save? Here are the numbers.
Consumers often misjudge the benefits of promotional offers, especially when percentages are involved and even when they think they are being wary.
There are things you can do to vastly improve the odds that you will get the resolution you deserve as a consumer.
Retirees are turning to deferred income annuities in droves to address concerns about market volatility and outliving their nest eggs.
Who gives old people the most “modern” parts in plays and movies? Gilbert and Sullivan! Here’s how their portrayals teach us a thing or two today.
You might be able to make non-taxable gifts to charity directly from your IRA—and get additional tax benefits at the same time. Here’s how.