If you have a bunch of kids or new family members over and you’d like to create some camaraderie around the table, here’s a fun memory game to play. Have the first player start by saying, “At the first Thanksgiving dinner, the Pilgrims ate turkey.” Go around the table—the next player must repeat the sentence and add another dish. For example, the second player might say, “At the first Thanksgiving dinner, the Pilgrims ate turkey and cranberry sauce.” You can be as goofy and obscure as you want—the pilgrims ate hot dogs…foie gras…Gummy Bears….whatever creates a good giggle! The game continues with each player repeating the Pilgrims’ menu and adding a new item to it. When a player makes a mistake, he/she is eliminated. The game goes on until there is only one player left, and he is the winner. The prize can be a chocolate turkey…or a gift certificate from a favorite pizza parlor!

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