Did you know that about 80% of all ulcers can be blamed on the bacteria Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori)? It is estimated that half of the American adult population has H. pylori present but dormant in their stomachs. Why do some people develop ulcers and others don’t? One theory is that emotional upsets, fatigue, nervous anxiety…you know, all that stress-related stuff…devitalize the immune system, lowering one’s resistance to the H. pylori. If this includes you (and your ulcer is not caused by medications or some other condition described by your doctor), we have a remedy for your ulcer, but you also have to focus on fixing the obnoxious stresses in your life. Change jobs, meditate…do whatever is appropriate to transform your specific problem into something that is positive and healthy. Now, for that remedy…
Barley and barley water are soothing and help rebuild the stomach lining. Boil two ounces of pearled barley in six cups of water until there’s about half the water—three cups—left in the pot. Strain. If necessary, add honey and lemon to taste. Drink this barley water throughout the day. Eat the leftover barley in soup, stew or by itself.
More help for heartburn and ulcers…