If you took a walk this morning to improve your heart health or lift your mood, you already know that exercise is good for you. But walking, dancing, stair-climbing, and other kinds of physical activity have an additional health benefit: They can lower your risk of cancer.
In fact, becoming a little more active may be one of the most important things you can do, along with eating a healthy diet and not smoking, to lower cancer risk.
There’s strong evidence that physical activity lowers the risk of bladder, breast, colon, endometrial, kidney, and stomach cancers, as well as one kind of esophageal cancer. It might also lower the risk of lung and other cancers. And people who survive some forms of cancer, including breast and colon cancer, appear to face lower recurrence risks if they are physically active.
Just how does moving your body stop cancers from forming, growing, or returning? While scientists are still seeking some answers, there’s growing evidence that a complex interplay of physical activity, body fat, and other factors play a variety of roles.
One important clue is that many cancers linked to inactivity also are linked to obesity. For example, according to the National Cancer Institute, a woman’s risk of endometrial cancer, which affects the lining of the uterus, is two to four times higher if she is obese or overweight than if she is at a healthy weight. People with obesity have a doubled risk of stomach and kidney cancer and also face heightened risks for colon, pancreatic, and certain esophageal cancers. Obese women who are past menopause have an increased risk of breast cancer.
Decades of research have detailed how physical activity lowers heart disease risk. Research on physical activity and cancer is at an earlier stage, but it has produced compelling evidence for several theories. Here’s the best current thinking on how physical activity lowers cancer risks:
Researchers are looking for additional ways physical activity might reduce cancer risks. For example, repeated bouts of exercise might change the immune system in beneficial ways or protect our very DNA from changes that can lead to tumor formation and growth.
You don’t have to run marathons to reap the cancer-preventing benefits of exercise. Research suggests that every bit of added movement helps, whether that means climbing some extra stairs, spending more time working in your home or garden, or getting in more steps by driving less often or parking farther from your destinations.
With that said, research suggests that, for some cancers, protection increases with more movement over a longer period of time. So, if you aren’t yet meeting the U.S. government’s recommendations for physical activity (see sidebar), you might work toward that goal.
Recent studies have found that breast cancer survivors who got about as much physical activity as recommended, the equivalent of a brisk 30-minute walk most days, were significantly less likely to see their cancers return.
Studies have yet to show exactly how much exercise of what kind provides the strongest protection from cancer. But, keeping in mind that every bit counts, you can’t go wrong following the U.S. government’s physical activity guidelines for adults. That means you should:
Start slowly and gradually build up your activity levels if you have been inactive for a while.