When it comes to your health and energy level, it’s important to maintain a calm, relaxed state as much as possible during the day.

This is not always so easy, given the stresses of everyday life. But stress is bad for your health—and an energy drain. It also can cause gastrointestinal problems… increase risk for cardiovascular disease… and weaken immune response. To stay on an even, upbeat course through the day, I recommend several remedies. Use only one daytime remedy at a time.

For ongoing stress or anxiety…

  • Calm Natural Mind.Created by natural physician Hyla Cass, MD, this remedy contains gamma aminobutyric acid(GABA), which increases levels of the calming neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine, and L-theanine, a substance in tea leaves that has been shown to increase brain waves associated with a relaxed state. Take as recommended on the label during stressful or anxious periods. It helps some people within a day or two. Try for at least five days, and see if you have any improvement. There are no side effects, and it is safe for everyone except those on antipsychotic medications. To order, visit www.CassMD.com (and click on “Supplement Guide”).

For quick relief of bouts of anxiety…

  • Bach Flower Rescue Remedy. If you find yourself in a stressful situation during the day, this homeopathic formula, available in health-food stores, can provide relief in about 10 seconds to a few minutes. (It is not as strong or long-lasting as Calm Natural Mind, mentioned above.) Take four drops in a glass of water. It also can be a “back to sleep” aid when you wake up in the middle of the night.

For compulsive or extreme worrying or mind-racing…

  • Coffea cruda. This is an excellent homeopathic calming therapy. Take two pellets of a 30C potency when your mind goes into overdrive. It’s also a sleep aid when you can’t sleep because of mind-racing.