Don’t you hate it when a bit of unwelcome nonfood ends up in your culinary creation? It happens so easily! And your fingers aren’t the best tools in this scenario. Here’s what to do with some frequent flyers…

We discovered an easy way to retrieve a piece of eggshell that falls into the bowl of eggs—just use a larger piece of eggshell to get the little piece of shell out of the bowl. The larger shell attracts the little shell, almost like a magnet.

What about pits? Those slippery devils! Keep a pair of tweezers in your kitchen to pick out pits that have escaped from your quick lemon squeeze. You can also use tongs, but tweezers get the pit and nothing else. Tweezers are also great for pulling stray bones out of fish fillets and feather pins remaining in chicken legs. Use them, too, for retrieving food that has leaped out of your pan and under the burner (thanks to for that tip). It’s one of those normally noncooking tools that you should keep handy in your kitchen.

What about a hair? Yuck! Again, your fingers might be a little clumsy on this one. And who wants to put bare skin into a pot of hot food? Here’s what to do: Simply take a pancake turner (what some people call a spatula), and dip it into the soup or stew in the area of the hair and the hair should attach itself to the flat part. If your food bowl is not a hot pot of liquid but something like a salad, dampen the spatula with water or a tiny drop of oil. After you catch the hair, go to your sink and rinse off the spatula with warm water.

More help in your kitchen…


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