Do you run in the other direction when you see a certain neighbor approaching you on the street? Are you afraid that your anger will get the best of you when you’re forced to deal with a particular colleague so you avoid her altogether? Going out of your way to avoid conflict won’t make the situation any better. In fact, it can create an endless source of negativity in both your personal and professional life.
Bottom Line Personal asked business psychiatrist, conflict coach and negotiation trainer Mark Goulston, MD, for his best suggestions on how to deal with conflict…
First, determine who you avoid and what those people do that makes you want to avoid them…
Identify the people you want to engage with…and those you don’t. Take a piece of paper, and draw a vertical line down the middle. On the right side, list all the people you look forward to seeing and/or enjoy talking to. On the left side, list the people you avoid—just writing down their names may cause a knot in your stomach.
Thank all the people in the right column. Tell them what they mean to you and why. You could do this in person or by video chat—both are more personal than a phone call. We often fail to acknowledge the people we care about and who care about us because we’re so busy dealing with the upset caused by the people in the left column.
Identify what the people in the left column have in common. Maybe they frustrate you, provoke you or outrage you, perhaps by yelling, screaming, whining, blaming others for problems or making excuses for their own shortcomings. Conversations with these people often turn into arguments.
These conflicts trigger the outrage-enrage bifurcate. They highjack your amygdala, the part of the brain that detects threats and activates emotional responses. When you’re outraged, you’re appalled by their behavior…and this can quickly cross over into becoming enraged. That’s when your amygdala becomes overloaded, which pushes you into the fight, flight or freeze mode and away from being able to think.
Unless you can exorcize these people from your life—and that typically is not the case—just thinking about interacting with them can cause you to start catastrophizing. But instead of panicking or avoiding them altogether, there are ways to beat them at their own game…