I just spent three days with my husband in the hospital. He had a severe asthma attack—we started in the Emergency Room, then he was admitted. He is doing fine now and has a brand-new outlook on taking care of his health.
Scary as that was, it is not what this column is about. Instead I want to shout from the rooftops about the special people who choose to be health-care workers. From the moment we stepped into the ER, my husband and I were treated with compassion, understanding and limitless patience—from the orderly who saw Kevin was in distress and put him in a wheelchair…to the ER nurses who did what they could to ease his breathing…to the doctors, pulmonologists, residents and nurses who were with him every step of the way.
I have a fairly decent knowledge of many things health-related due to my decades with Bottom Line—and that may be a dangerous thing…for the health-care providers. I asked for each treatment and test to be explained…and grilled every doctor and nurse with many questions. But at no time did any of these amazing people show any impatience.
I learned a lot while Kevin was in the hospital—certainly about his condition and prognosis…but far more about what a difference simple kindness can make, especially when someone is going through a difficult time.
This story is not over yet—Kevin has to take some serious steps toward maintaining his health, and I will be using every one of Michele Weiner-Davis’s tactics to keep him on the right path!
P.S. Thank you to the caring staff at Stamford Hospital, who took such good care of my husband…and taught me a thing or two along the way.