Humidity can make your pepper shaker uncooperative. Here’s what to do…

To keep the holes in a ground pepper shaker from getting clogged, toss in a few whole black or white peppercorns. Doing this seems to make the pepper taste fresher, too.

Cooking with pepper tips: If you’re a big fan of pepper, add it toward the end of your cooking process for stronger flavor and more health benefits. Click here to find out how pepper can keep you healthy.

Keep ground pepper on hand for recipes that require a half teaspoon or more (such as meatloaf, sauces and stews), since it’s hard to measure pepper from a grinder (and exhausting!). Freshly ground pepper from a grinder is great for the table or when you only need it in recipes “to taste.”

More help in the kitchen…

• De-Flour Your Kitchen

• 6 Great Kitchen Gadgets for the Foodie Who Has Everything

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