If you’re traveling and you want to perk up your face (and yourself), check to see if your hotel room has a minibar. If so, you may have an instant face bracer at your fingertips—it’s that cute little bottle of vodka in there. Wait a minute—we’re talking topical treatment here! If you don’t mind spending the bucks, open the bottle and splash the vodka on your face right after cleansing (women) or shaving (men). Vodka is a refreshing, odorless face toner/aftershave that helps tighten pores and even skin tone. It also can provide the jolt you need when jet lag and strange places throw off your sleep pattern.

If you’re at home and run out of face toner, you could, of course, use vodka—but perhaps you’d rather save that for cocktail hour. Instead, mix equal parts apple cider vinegar and witch hazel (both available at supermarkets and health-food stores). The concoction should do wonderful things for your complexion, and you may not want to go back to using a commercial toner/aftershave product.

More on better skin care…


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