Barbara Bartlik, MD

Barbara Bartlik, MD, a psychiatrist and sex therapist in private practice and voluntary attending psychiatrist at Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, New York.

Sleep Apart, Grow Closer?

Sleep Apart, Grow Closer?

Barbara Bartlik, MD | March 13, 2014

Why Separate Bedrooms May Help Your Marriage It’s now officially a trend and, I might add, a substantial one. A…

Intimacy After a Long Dry Spell

Intimacy After a Long Dry Spell

Barbara Bartlik, MD | December 18, 2013

Q: I've been without a partner for a long time, but now I'm starting a new relationship. Since I haven't…

Should You Carry a Condom?

Should You Carry a Condom?

Barbara Bartlik, MD | October 9, 2012

Even Monogamous Couples May Need Protection Against Sexually Transmitted Diseases In a conversation one of our colleagues had with a…

Feel-Sexy Cure for Women?

Feel-Sexy Cure for Women?

Barbara Bartlik, MD | September 14, 2012

Finding a Fix for the Fickle Female Libido The pronounced ebb and flow of the female sex drive is something…

Reclaiming Desire

Reclaiming Desire

Barbara Bartlik, MD | July 26, 2012

When health problems sabotage your sex life We all know that depression and the hormonal shifts of aging can lead…

Intimacy After Mastectomy

Intimacy After Mastectomy

Barbara Bartlik, MD | February 9, 2012

Q: I’m single again and ready to start dating. What’s the best way to tell a potential sex partner about…