David Sherer, MD, author of What Your Doctor Won’t Tell You. Now retired from his clinical anesthesiology practice in the suburbs of Washington, DC, he is a repeat winner of HealthTap’s leading anesthesiologists award. DrDavidSherer.com
Advanced planning is key to prevent even more difficulties when a parent is seriously ill. What you need to do well before illness or disability occurs.
Three-quarters of patients today are cared for by a group of rotating “hospitalists”—not their own doctors. This system may be good for hospitals, but it is not providing the best quality of care for patients, according to a study by Harvard researchers. In this edition of the Bottom Line Advocator, Bottom Line CEO Sarah Hiner and Dr. David Sherer, discuss the pros and cons of hospitalist medicine.
While there is a place for prednisone, the drug is being overprescribed at an alarming rate, putting patients at risk for dangerous side effects while rarely solving the underlying problem. In this edition of the Bottom Line Advocator, Bottom Line CEO Sarah Hiner and Dr. David Sherer shine a light on this frightening trend that no one seems to be talking about.
David Sherer, MD, is an American physician, inventor, and author. He currently practices anesthesiology in the suburbs of Washington D.C.…
It’s becoming more common—even for fairly complex operations. Instead of general anesthesia, which makes you unaware and immobile during surgery,…
All forms of anesthesia can cause side effects or complications, yet doctors don’t always take the time to address these…