Souhel Najjar, MD

Souhel Najjar, MD, associate professor of neurology, director, electroencephalogram laboratory, NYU Langone Medical Center, New York City, and director, Neuroscience Center, Staten Island University Hospital, New York. His role in diagnosing and saving a patient stricken with anti-NMDA receptor autoimmune encephalitis is described in the new book by Susannah Cahalan, Brain on Fire: My Month of Madness (Free Press).
Date: March 5, 2013

Autoimmune Encephalitis: The Brain Disease That Makes People Seem Crazy

Autoimmune Encephalitis: The Brain Disease That Makes People Seem Crazy

Souhel Najjar, MD | February 26, 2013

My former neighbor’s daughter, whom I’ll call “Ricki,” had it all—a great job, great little Manhattan apartment, great life. Only…