Theresa Garnero, RN, MS

Theresa Garnero, RN, MS (nursing), a member of Bottom Line’s Diabetes Resource Center expert panel and an advanced-practice registered nurse (APRN), board-certified in advanced diabetes management (BC-ADM), certified diabetes educator (CDE) and instructional designer in the Family Health Care Nursing division at University of California, San Francisco. She is the author of Your First Year with Diabetes: What to Do, Month by MonthDiabetesCatalysts.

Don’t Fear Diabetes! Straight Talk for the Newly Diagnosed

Don’t Fear Diabetes! Straight Talk for the Newly Diagnosed

Theresa Garnero, RN, MS | July 31, 2017

If you’ve recently been diagnosed with diabetes, you may be in shock for a bit…that’s normal. But if you’re afraid…

Stay-Well Secrets for People with Diabetes Or Prediabetes

Stay-Well Secrets for People with Diabetes Or Prediabetes

Theresa Garnero, RN, MS | July 19, 2012

We’ve all heard that diabetes is on the rise in the US, but few people realize the degree to which…